Yesterday’s Men



An insolent speck of youth
Being taken for a walk
So tightly by the ear
That he can hardly talk

Yesterday’s men hang to today
To sing in the old-fashioned way
It must get better in the long run
Has to get better in the long run

A metropolitan marathon
Has been held today
But who you need to catch
Will be coming the other way

Yesterday’s men hang to today
To sing in any old way
It must get better in the long run
Has to get better in the long run

Because when you’re told to start
How far can you go

When your race is won
And you already know
Because when you’re told to stop
How far will you go
When your race is run
And you already know

Yesterday’s men hang to today
To sing in any old way
It must get better in the long run
Has to get better in the long run
Will it get better in the long run
Will we be here in the long run

Yesterday’s men hang to today
To sing in any old way
It must get better in the long run
Has to get better in the long run
Will it get better in the long run
Will we be here in the long run

Do, do, do, hang on in the long run





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