Taller Than You Are



Why should you try to be much taller than you are?
Why do you try to hang a little out so far?
You say you’re right, when you are wrong
And though you’re weak, you believe you’re strong

Why should you try to be much taller than you are?

You are always, telling people you are the best
But it’s not so, when they put you to the test
So come on, let’s be fair and square
Take what is yours, but please leave my share

Why should you try to be much taller than you are?

You will never reach the top like that, my friend
And though you think you’re up, you will fall down in the end
It is time for you to realise and try and be your little size
Why should you try to be much taller than you are?
Why should you try to be much taller than you are?
Why should you try to be much taller than you are?


Mark: Ever since Goliath got one in the eye and Jack chopped down the beanstalk, being tall hasn’t had too many advantages. OK professional basketball players might disagree. But tell me: Why do ten huge men have to play on such a proportionally tiny court? Anyways, Lord Tanamo’s, ‘Much Taller Than You Are’, isn’t really about being tall, as such. I suppose it’s a homily and asks the listener, in modern parlance, ‘to chill out’. There is a lot of the church in the song, with biblical overtones about right and wrong, and it’s asking for modesty (you are always telling people you are the best’). Just listen to Catholics talk about The Sin of Pride to get the idea.

The lyrics could almost be a Sunday sermon. All good songs seem to work both on a personal and global level and this one is no exception. I would hope that, ‘come on, be fair and square, take what is yours and leave my share,’ might be more political than personal. A happy tune carrying a darker lyric always gets me. And before we get complaints from those of you who are vertically challenged – Yes, we did think of doing Randy Newman’s, ‘Short People’, to balance the album up.

Joseph Gordon Music & Words




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Publisher B&C Music Publishing Ltd.

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