Given the Opportunity



Can you remember the first time?
Old temptation took a hold of you
You gazed and gazed into the mirror
Hanging from the bathroom wall
Then decided just exactly, where it was you were going to

Given the opportunity you’d strip me bare
Given the opportunity you’d take me
I have nothing more to add
I have nothing left to say, so just go away
I’m throwing it all away

Do you remember the last time?
Old temptation took you out for a spin
You arrived in but nearly died in
All the hurt and anguish you put your loved ones through

Given the opportunity you’d strip me bare
Given the opportunity you’d take me
You’d take me
Can you recall the first time?

Old temptation swam with you in the stew
You were eager, delirious
For all of the craziness that went with the haziness
Sucked into the bright lights
Seeking the high life threadbare and down on your knees

Given the opportunity you’d strip me bare
Given the opportunity you’d take me
I have nothing more to add
I have nothing left to say, so just go away
I have nothing more to add
I have nothing left to say, so just go away

Given the opportunity
Given the opportunity





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Extensive efforts have been made to gather factual information and knowledge on madness from various sources and document them. These sources include publicly accessible websites, books and publications, historical artefacts, and other pertinent materials. As a result, a comprehensive index of resources has been compiled and integrated into the website. These resources, if relevant to this article, are listed below.